Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why homoeopathy is not having side-effects?

Homoeopathy is not having any side-effects because of following reasons
Homoeopathic medicines are prepared from extracts of plants,animals,chemicals,nosodes,sarcodes etc which are sources of homoeopathic medicines.
Homoeopathic medicines are available in various potencies like Q (mother tincture: Natural extract of the material),30,200,1000(1M),10M,CM,LM etc.
Here 30 means 10 raise to 30.That means it exceeds avogadro's number which is 6.25x10 raise to 23.(This is the number upto which the existence of substance is prevalent after that substance itself as a crude does not exist or have no mass and only its dynamic properties remain)
So when you consider 30 potency it exceeds this number thus it is safe and without any side-effects.
It works on the principle of dilution .As you go on diluting the substance its dynamic properties increase and its morbid properties go on decreasing.Thus homoeopathy works at dynamic level and has no side-effects as such.

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